Having written and coordinated seven youth projects and two big projects of school partnership called "Seven wonders of culture" (2010 - 2012) and "Ready for our lives" (2015 - 2018) under Comenius and Erasmus+ programmes I started to work on another application in spring 2018. 

The idea for the new project comes from the famous Alex Haley´s book "Roots". Though we will not be searching for our ancestors and our family roots, we will deal with the cultural roots and heritage which all generations should know and preserve. 

Hopefully we will get deeper into several interesting topics connected with our cultures and we will learn about cultural heritage of our project partners.

I wish all the students, teachers and other people involved in project activities to have a great time and interesting work. May all of us find new friends, learn something new and spend exciting time with this project.

Martin FROLÍK, author and coordinator of the project.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 

Author and coordinator of the project: MARTIN FROLÍK
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